Over 110 hours of seminars online!

Court Reporters CEUs Online, Anytime!

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How Our Online Courses Work

Court Reporter CEUs Seminars Online 24/7

All of our court reporters CEU seminars provide NCRA/NVRA and state pre-qualified CEUs.

Come try our online court reporter CEU seminars where you can complete your CEUs at your own pace from the comfort of your home and/or office.
You have as long as you need to finish.
Start and stop the videos when it's convenient for you. One court reporter said she prints out the quizzes so she can work on the seminars from her cell phone while she waits for her daughter at soccer practice. For more information, you can contact Jeff directly at 404-312-3404 or email him at [email protected].

Browse Our 2024 Court Reporter CEU Courses

Rave Reviews:  Hear what our students have to say!

More Raving Fans!

Good morning, Jeff. Thank you again for your seminars and your truly amazing service.

Jeff Justice Seminars could not be more convenient, and Jeff was again very responsive with his amazing service and even provided links of videos showing how to turn in CEUs online with NCRA and with my state. The lovely Anita was wise in many ways, a true treasure, and it is such a joy to watch the videos of her presentations. Thank you, Jeff, for keeping them available, and thank you for saving my bacon – AGAIN.

Lorri, CSR
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I really enjoyed the convenience and interesting topics covered. I will absolutely be contacting you again this year for more seminars. Thank you for making this possible. A little humor goes a looong way in this job.
Nancy, CCR
Thank you so much for having these online seminars!

I have used the Jeff Justice courses twice now and I’m happy to say how easy it is to navigate and get my CEUs when needed in crunch time. It’s very efficient and easy to work with. I’ll definitely use it again and have recommended him to other reporters.

Ann, RPR

About Jeff Justice

Jeff Justice Seminars have been providing high-content, laugh-packed seminars for court reporters since 1995. Our NCRA/NVRA and state approved CEU seminars include top presenters in the field of court reporting like Anita Paul Johnston, Sue McDuffie, Pam Gwin Sheppard and, Kathy McDaniel. Over one hundred and ten hours of pre-approved online seminars to choose from at great prices!